Star Gate Worlds MMO Wiki

Welcome to the Star Gate Worlds MMO Wiki[]

Seeing as though the Stargate Worlds wiki is no longer online, and that there aren't any proper wiki for the game, i have finally set up its wiki.

Describe your topic[]

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Featured article

(Game trailer)


Stargate Worlds Intro

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Contents (all pages)


Helping out

To write a new article, just enter the title in the box below.

Also: help needed for collecting any images relatoing to the Alone in the Dark games, which would be greatly appreciated.

→ Stargate Worlds

Archetypes Combat Commands Creatures & Enemies Crafting Expansions Factions Game Mechanics Items Planets Missions Races Weapons SGW Announcements SGW Interviews SGW News Archive SGW Podcast Transcripts SGW 'Gater' program The Development Team Concept Art Screenshots Development Progress Stargate Worlds Wiki Forums Fan Art Fansites Listed Alliances Listed Commands SGW IRC