Star Gate Worlds MMO Wiki
Beta Site

The Beta Site served as the Tau'ri's secondary off-world base, like the Alpha Site and Omega Site.

It was only mentioned in the Stargate SG1 series as being invovled in the evacuation of the Alpha Site personal when the Alpha Site was attack by Anubis, during the series.

Upon loading the Beta Site, its possible players might experience fast and furious fighting with invading forces. There is evidence of long forgotten temples scattered around the planet and immediate areas, the SGC have a base setup here.


  • Science facility

Stargate Wiki description[]

Anima Vitrus is a living world, taking the concept of Gaia to the next level. Players will visit this planet in the low level 40's.[1] This world was featured in the recent CG trailer. The trailer showed the area around the gate which appeared tropical in climate, with fascinating megafauna. A large Goa'uld controlled force was stationed on the planet which included a Ha'tak class mothership. Sometime after Earth started sending out SG teams to other planets, Anima Vitrus was attacked by an unknown Goa'uld who brought a ha'tak mothership to the planet, in addition to at least one death glider and several of his troops. While in the process of invading the planet, an Asgard along with his drone, a female Jaffa wearing Horus Guard armor, and Human wearing ballistic armor came through the Stargate from the planet Agnos. There they were met by both a death glider and several enemy troops, who raised their staff weapons. Behind the group, a fierce battle was taking place between the Goa'uld and other, unknown forces.[2]

The Ancients - [edit] Present :

The Goa'uld -

Referecnes[] - A TTH Interview - January 14th 2008 ↑ - Wikia Summary Retrieved from ""