Star Gate Worlds MMO Wiki
300 Anat
Vital statistics
Title Queen Mother
Gender Asexual (Female personality)
Race Goa'uld
Faction New Mind
Health Unknown
Level Unknown
Status Alive
Location Harset

Anat was a goauld queen who was worhsiped as a warrior deity in Ancient Egypt and was the daughter of the Supreme System Lord Ra.

She was imprisoned by her father for some offense which has long been forgotten, and was secretly placed in a canoptic jar and buried on placed on Cerador while conquering the world.

Ra was quite content when the system Lord Kali took over the world, for he realized that should Anat be woken up, her lust for power and battle would set her against Kali rather than himself.

Staragte Worlds[]

Anata later appeared in the service of Baal and became his queen. She gave birth to a new generation of goauld system lords, known as the New Mind.

Descritpion from Stargate Worlds wiki[]

Anat was a Goa'uld who was worshipped in ancient Egypt as a warrior deity until she was imprisoned by her 'father', the Supreme System Lord Ra for an offense which has been long forgotten. Ra secretly placed the canopic jar which held Anat on Cerador while he still laid claim to the world. He was quite content when Kali took the planet as he realized that, when Anat finally awoke, her lust for power and battle would set her against Kali rather than himself. Because of this, if an SG team was able to find the canopic jar and free Anat, they may have a valuable—if slightly unpredictable and untrustworthy—ally against Kali. If she was ever freed, she would seek out the first available host without caring who, or indeed what, they were. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")[1][2] It is possible Ba'al has her under some form of control however, to kerb her dangerous nature, and the fact he knows that she could very easily become the dominant Goa'uld in this galaxy within a short space of time. [edit] Recent Updates

Information on Anat as it develops Confirmed by Khestral on the 7th July 09, Anat is the New Mind Queen. What this means for the SGU is exactly what they had with Ra, only worse. She is his daughter and as ruthless as she is stunning. Using anything and everything at her disposal; she will stop at nothing to get what she wants............even if that includes removing Ba'al. Link back to previo